Thursday, December 29, 2005


We must find a place beyond revolutions
and their false hope.
A wheel once turned will move a bit forward,
but it cannot carry much.
We must have two wheels at least,
but preferably three or four.
The world doesn’t need a revolution
the world needs a push
and someone to keep pushing it.
The ever present present

The past doesn’t exist
When you were there
it was simply the present
nor in fact
does the future
you can chase it all you like
but just like a rainbow
its always remains ahead of you
all infact
that there is
is the ever present
present tense
which should always be spoken in
for truly nothing else exists.

Thursday, December 22, 2005


NOW: A set of short poems dedicated to before battle during battle and after battle.

We swim in the blood of history
We are the blood of history
We change the tides of history
We create our future
Not then
Not tommorow
Not in heaven or hell
Not in the next life


The new after the now
The now after the then
The then after the now
The now after the then
[to be chanted during battle ad infinatum]


Blood pours onto canvas made of skin and bone
Blood drips onto paletes made of earth
Souls of the dead enrich the meaning of the world
The new after the new is triumphant.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

explaining npm

npm is not about specifics it is about moving forward through a future that we create for ourselve. laws are just template they do not sum us up.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

maxims and arrows

1: In your own time,
and in your own place.
Break all rules,
Including these.

2: Never look towards the future,
always move through it.

3: Embrace life’s contradictions
or become its negation.

4:Don’t try to teach pigs to sing
it annoys the pigs
and it wastes you’re time.

5: Don’t try to make things
something that they are not.

6: You are what you is
and you ain’t what you’re not.
7: A painting cannot talk
it has no mouth
but it can point
it has form
it can be an arrow
it can have its maxim.

8: We wish to distance ourselves from abstract art.
It is wallpaper, sometimes vibrant, and interesting but wallpaper none the less, inoffensive, and comfortable.

9: Art needs not to represent
but to reflect
the situation
in which it was made
only then
can it hope to escape
the deadly trap

Ultimately can it ever
Can you?
And is it something that you should want to escape?

thought and action.

Good Art.

Good art is the product of good thought.
Good thought is the product of action.
Action is the product of whim.
Whims are energetic thoughts,
propagating action.
Therefore the artist should, {if able},
always work standing up.
Never sit down, never drift into contemplation.
Contemplation does not lead to action.

Thus you can avoid abstract thought,
And reflect you’re current reality more clearly.


Action, in terms of thought is that which provides a connection to the physical world, and holds you to reality.
If you flap you’re arms while in speech or pace the floor deep in thought then you cannot fly on imaginary wings to the sun and to doom.
For some the tapping of fingers on keys is action enough.
For some the action of moving a brush over canvas is action enough.
For others lying on their bed in silent contemplation, of their physical condition, is more than enough.

Action and thought.
Thought and action.