I come up to the library doors, they are automatic ones with sensors that feel you're presence and send the open signal to the motors that move the doors. As I come up to them, I notice that on the other side of them is a small girl, I notice also that she has no soul, as the doors have not opened for her. To my shock, amazement, and disappointment as I come up to the doors, they, in contrast to the girl, open for me. It is not that I did not wish to enter just that I resent the idea of carrying around all of this emotional baggage from previous lives not my own . As I think this the small girl without a soul runs off with her family how much awareness she has of this mode of thinking and of the whereabouts of her soul is a secret she keeps well hidden.
Exposition against the existence of an eternal soul
It strikes me that if you where to put water into a empty vessel then the water would not hold its shape for any longer than the vessel exists by which I mean if you where to put water in a jug and you where then to smash the jug the water it contained would not hold any shape nor would it remain in the same position it would disperse repeat this action this action with other materials sand, pebbles, and other such things would do the same, clay on the other hand would probably remain in much the same place but would not be able to survive intact the breaking of the jug. As the jug breaks so must the clay break, dent, or crumble.
It strikes me that the soul is simmilar thing to these previously metioned substances it to can not survive the breaking of the body like those substances it to shall be washed away, blown away or crumble away it to will dissperse in doing so it may become part of something else but it will not be the same.
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